It is a story of a mistress who comes back for her revenge after enduring all kinds of mistreats from her husband's wedded wife. The resentment between two love rivals is passed on to their desc...
The shop of a certain person wearing a mask, sells gifts for people that you hate. There are four levels of gifts; making the receiver ashamed, scaring the receiver, hurting the receiver, and making...
泰剧《朋友圈》先导预告来啦!敬请期望!!狮子演技好,他演的每个人物都没有重复性,不会让人觉得有之前的影子。一年生深情执着的钢炮,十二王子软萌困惑的bm,朋友圈白兔外表下腹黑的earth,不同年龄段,不同生活背景,不同的演绎方式,完全不一样的人物色彩和个性,他演得都特殊熨帖,有灵气,他真的一直在挑战自己,这才是真演员。未来可期《Friend Zone》(中文暂译名《朋友圈》...